Getting The Best Mortgage Deal

Brian Fricke, CFP®Mortgages

Best Mortgage Deals

Finding the best mortgage when you’re buying a house is challenging.

Not only are there many types of mortgages but also many different ways to get them. To help you sort your way through the mortgage maze, the mortgage expert we refer all our clients to offers their advice on how to find the right mortgage for your particular needs.

Competition for mortgage loans is ferocious. In addition to a shrinking market, the Internet is complicating matters by equalizing the mortgage industry and making all loan officers look the same. All this additional information confuses buyers.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Most mortgage companies are content to offer the lowest price, complete the transaction and move on.

However, a true mortgage professional works differently by taking the time to evaluate and recommend a mortgage strategy that best meets a homeowner’s unique financial goal, through integrating the mortgage into their personal financial plan.

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