A little known tax benefit for surviving spouses

Brian Fricke, CFP®Taxes

You probably already know that when someone passes away, their heirs get a stepped-up cost basis on the taxable investments they inherit, like stocks and real estate. But what happens to assets that both spouses own jointly with a right of survivorship, when one spouse passes away? Not knowing this could cause you to over pay on your taxes.

The top 3 worries of retirees

Brian Fricke, CFP®Retirement Planning

Here’s the 3 biggest worries we hear from people all the time. Along with 3 tips to reduce or eliminate them. These worries are the same regardless of the amount of money someone has. Whether it’s $500,000, 5 Million dollars or more.

How to deal with stock market volatility

Brian Fricke, CFP®Investing

One area of investing that hardly ever gets any attention is how to handle market volatility.

Here’s 5 tips to help you deal with market volatility. Because like it or not, you’re going to have to deal with it.

Will Stocks Crash When Interest Rates Go Up?

Brian Fricke, CFP®Investing

In this edition: What has happened to stock prices in the past when interest rates were going up? An interesting article in one of our trade journals looks at this. I thought you’d find this very interesting. I know I did!