Lotto winner sues advisors for poor advice

Brian Fricke, CFP®Investing

In this edition:

What would you buy if you won the lottery? A new house, a fancy sports car, maybe a boat? But not life insurance…right??? Here’s the sad, sad story.

The bait & switch tactics some financial advisors use

Brian Fricke, CFP®Investing

In this edition:

Here’s a bait and switch tactic some financial advisors use, that I want you to know about. A recent WSJ blog article found over 10% of advisors at major brokerage firms call themselves “Fee Only” when they shouldn’t be.

How to use IRA money to buy a business

Brian Fricke, CFP®Financial Planning

In this edition:

One of our clients wanted to make a loan to a family member so they could buy a business.

The problem is – all of their money is tied up inside an IRA. They could have withdrawn the money from the IRA. But then they’d have to pay income taxes on the money withdrawn.

Here’s how to use IRA money…without triggering a big tax bill.